
Sometimes it is necessary to dissect a phrase or a pair of words, to be able to really understand the term. Take the chaise lounge, for example. The words have French roots. They refer to a long chair, which pretty much tells the story in itself. This chair style is long enough to support your legs, rather than having them bent at the knees, as with the more common table chair.


While the term may have been applied to a more specific type of chair in the distant past, today the words can be applied to almost any long chair that supports the legs and also reclines. Some enthusiasts of furniture history believe this seating came into being when someone combined a more common chair with a daybed or fainting couch. This may have occurred several centuries ago.

Greek, Roman, Egyptian

Ancient art seems to show people in Greece and Italy reclining on furniture that resembles the modern chaise lounge. These early examples were probably carved from wood or cast in bronze and covered with fabric or pillows of some sort. As time went on, people have designed and built dozens of different types of furniture that may well fit into this category. Some have metal legs and a leather body. Others are soft and even overstuffed, in the same way a recliner or sofa would be.

Today, we may see multiple examples of this seating onboard a cruise ship, or around the swimming pool at our favorite resort. Some homeowners combine this chair with a patio-furniture set to accommodate all those who want to relax out of doors. If you want to enjoy an age-old method of relaxation, talk with your outdoor furniture supplier about the different options for a quality chaise lounge. The possibilities are endless.